STRUT IT AFRICA is arguably one of the most admired briefcase Modelling agency in in Kenya.
Its run by beautiful conmen and women led by Rnaze Mukibi a Ugandan seeking refuge in Kenya and her one Malaika.
Just for Your info, Its Run by USIU Cronies looking to make quick a quick buck as well as Fame and of cos they are still office less.
Now, Every Year, they conduct free auditions where they Target upcoming Models who want the fame and glamor of the Modelling World thinking Strut It Africa will Make it come True but to their dismay, they dreams are just endless texts about Parties and alcohol which the models themselves foots the bills.
Whenever Auditions are conducted, all the selected Models have to pay $. 100 (Ksh. 8,000) for a professional photo-shoot which apparently is not professional as its conducted by themselves under the guide of Rnaze, Joe and Malaika. So basically No pro Photographer is called in to do the Photos. They then edit these photos on Photoshop and post them online to attract more admirers.
Rnaze Directing a shoot. |
Malaika at work directing the shoot |
Basically the money paid by models is not used anywhere as the models have to foot own bills including Transport, food as well as drinks.
For Starters, in the modelling world photos are the major selling point and Serious Talent Agencies do not charge for this. They actually does photo-shoots for Free.
We walked to some of the the agencies including Versatile who do their Photo-shoots every Saturday and its free for their Models.
On the First Year, Strut It Africa took in 100 Models after which 20 dropped out and the 80 that remained, paid for photo shoot but were never contacted for any Job after that making it $. 8,000 (Ksh. 650,000).
The 2nd Year the took in 300 models which paid the money making them $. 3,000 (Ksh. 2.4 M) Richer.
Now this year, auditions were conducted on 25th and out of the over 1,000 models who turned up, 700 were selected and were already told about the photo-shoot. Now supposing all the 700 pay the $. 100 they will make a whooping $. 70,000 (Ksh. 5.7 M)!!!
The Models bare the hot sun only to be conned in the name of getting fame.
Models bearing the hot sun in Line |
Models in Line for Audition |
One of the Models James Kariago said,
"I have been with Strut It since its inception but I have never done any job!!!" expressing his dismay.
"Rnaze and Malaika who are the founders also scramble with Models for jobs even after paying them. All they do is send us text about parties and events which we need to attend at our own expense."
Last year, Rnaze declared his love for a Toyota Marl X a car Model whose Market Value is $. 3,000 (Ksh. 2.5M)!!
Where can a refugee get this kind of Money when he doesn't have a job and depends on his parents top take care of him?
The only way is to steal, con or mug some hard working individuals.
We made a follow up on Rnaze who we realized is a Model with Versatile Models Kenya which is one of the Leading Agencies in the Country.
The Managing Director Ray says.
"I know Rnaze very well, we're the people who introduced him to Modelling world.
He Has done with us All his adverts"
Asked if he knew Strut It Africa,
"Well, Yeah I have heard about them Rnaze being the President but am not sure if they are fully Fledged because Rnaze still calls us for Jobs and also comes for our Photo shoots which are free"
"Am told he even uses the photo adverts he did with us to present to his clients as STRUT IT Jobs"
He added.
Back to USIU, one of his closest pals who asked for anonymity said,
"This guy just talks lots of Fluent English but is as broke as hell."
"He asks everyone for Money and personally he owes me 70k"
Now That's RNAZE for you
Some of the Leaders of Strut include
1. Joe (Malaika's Boyfriend) also Maina Kageni's house mate
2. Rishard Rashid.
3. Nick Mwaniki
All these cronies eat together.
Your CEO and leaders cant be doing the same jobs as the models.
Where is the distinction?
You are abusing the role of CEO