Sunday 22 December 2013

Shame As Seasoned PR Executive Posts An Insensitive Tweet About Africa and AIDS

As the world becomes more and more a of a global village (thanks to the internet), people are becoming the more informed and sensitive about what’s happening around them. at this day and age, one little silly post on social media with the right propaganda to blow it out of proportion is enough to bring even a giant company crawling to its knees.

But this time round it was a PR executive s job on the line.
Justine Sacco has been sacked following the furor her racist and insensitive Tweet caused after it went viral.

She caused a Twitter revolt on Friday after posting: 'Going to Africa. Hope I don't get AIDS. Just Kidding. I'm White!'
She has not yet issued an apology or explanation, but it seems to me she was coming to Africa to have unprotected sex with someone who had Aids, if her statement was anything to go by.

Sacco was the head PR representative of IAC, owned by Barry Diller and responsible for websites like Vimeo, OkCupid, and Tinder to name but a few
IAC slammed their employee's behavior as 'outrageous' and said they would take 'appropriate action' and have confirmed they 'parted ways with the employee in question' and she has since been fired from her job.
Careful what you post on social media, you could be exposing yourself for more than you bargained for. 

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