Thursday 26 December 2013

Top 10 things you should never say to a Fat woman

THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER TELL A FAT LADY                                         

1.You’re not fat!
I am fat. It's just a descriptor. If I'm calling myself fat, I have accepted my awesome chub; 
2. You have such a pretty face. 

I know. I also have a banging body—it just happens to be bigger than what you're used to being told is attractive. 

3 Do you really need that chocolate bar?

No, but I'm gonna eat it anyway. AND?? No one needs a candy bar, but they're goddamn delicious.
4. You'd look better if you were healthier. 
 Even if I were unhealthy, it's non of your business and I would still look  good. 
5. I'm so fat. 

Don't talk about being fat around a fat person when you are not fat. It's obvious you're using the term to address your body negatively and that sucks for two reasons: a. Don't talk negatively about your own body, the outside world does that enough; and b. If you think you're fat and you're roughly half my size, what do you think about me? That am obese.
6. Have you ever tried  EXERCISE ? Have you ever heard of exercise at all? Do you come from this planet? 

Yes, I know how to walk— I'm great at walking  Yes i know what exercise is. I practice yoga, I swim, I love Zumba, and yes, I do know what a gym is. 

7. Can I borrow that skirt sometime? 
 if you want to wear it as an oversized cape? Sure. And again: STOP PRETENDING WE ARE THE SAME SIZE. I'm starting to think you need glasses and  some sort of  medication.

8. Have you lost weight??
No. No, I have not. And if I had, maybe it's because I'm DEATHLY ILL—so don't comment on other people's weight. Just don't.

9.Do you know any diet specialist
Dieting sucks and it doesn't work, and I've stopped that business. I just want to be happy and healthy, and one of the best ways for me to do that is to not stress so damn much about my weight. So please stop.
10. I am just trying to help.
Don't. I'll ask for help if I need it but when you just start offering advice, I don't feel cared for. I feel humilated. Plus, I love me just the way I am, and hope you do, too.

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